# My Applications
In the Applications section you can control and manage your applications. The Applications List includes information concerning the applications such as:
- Logo
- System name
- Application key
- Number of active customers
- Due date
- Plan
- Connector version
- Last synchronization status
Each of those can be used to sort the list, click on the first row of the list to do so, clicking again will swap between ascending and descending sorting order.
Additionally, on the right side of the list the Actions are available.
- Click the Download button to download your application.
- Click the Settings button to change the application's settings.
# Settings
After opening the settings, you can edit each application's details:
- Application name
- Administration panel URL - A URL to your WHMCS. Ensure proper setup to enable correct functionality of redirection buttons such as View in WHMCS which will accurately direct you to WHMCS.
- Excluded clients
- Time difference
- Default currency
- Accrued revenue
- Avatar
- Churn
Excluded Clients enables you to define a list of customers who will be ignored when generating data for the reports. It should contain ID-based values, you can:
- add a range of values e.g. 1-10
- use a comma to separate values e.g. 1,2,3-10
Important! Excluded Clients will only be taken into account in the reports after the next synchronization (which runs every 24 hours).
Accrued Revenue gives you control over your revenue reports.
- Enable it to base your revenue reports on paid and unpaid invoices.
- Disable it to base your revenue reports on transactions.
Under Avatar you can change the avatar's color and letters. There is also a live preview where you can see the avatar as you change it.
Finally, Churn has an Exclude Active Status Services toggle and the Grace Period picker.
- "Exclude Active Status Services" will exclude recurring services, domains, or addons that are considered churned, but remain “Active” in your system.
- The "Grace Period" is the amount of time an overdue recurring service, domain or addon will have before being added to the Churn report. Set this function based on how much time you want to give your clients to pay their overdue invoices, before assuming that they have churned.